It seems to be that so many people are feeling pressured and under the pump and just a little stressed out…maybe it’s the build up to the “end of year rush” before the Christmas break. When we are feeling that way it’s important to ask ourselves what could we do differently that would give us a more positive and happy result.
With that in mind I came across a wonderful poster that read “you will never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine.”
It's our daily habits that bring us success and happiness or allow us to get caught in the busyness and negativity that surrounds us. I believe there are certain habits that will enable us to live life to its fullest, making the most of every opportunity. These habits are not personality traits! They are little choices that we make daily that internalize into habits.
So what can we do to create positive and healthy habits?
Paul J Meyer the founder of Success Motivation International, inspires us with his 13 habits that helps to develop daily positive habits to “Seize the Day”:
Be an inverted paranoid: I believe the whole world is conspiring to do only good things to me.
Be a quick forgiver: I don’t have time to waste in unforgiveness
Be optimistic: Believing the best of people and circumstances is a sure way to find that best.
Be Thankful: I always give thanks, keep my eyes on god as my provider, and keep a smile on my face.
Be an encourager: Encouragers make me feel better, stronger, and more capable of accomplishing my dreams. I want to do the same for others.
Be spontaneous: I have a sense of urgency and a do-it-now attitude.
Be a giver: My greatest joy is giving.
Be positive: Being positive has the potential of turning the worst situations into victories.
Smile a lot and laugh at life: Adversity is a stepping-stone not a roadblock. Why not laugh in the midst of the challenges?
Live life with enthusiasm: I will only live once, so why not give it my all?
Enjoy life: I truly enjoy life.
Find a hobby you enjoy: No matter where I am, I have something I like to do.
Look for people to help: I get up every morning excited about the person I might help today.
Paul J Myer (Success Motivation International)
Imagine if you were to put even a few of these habits into your daily life what a positive difference it would make.